Services: Resources
- Deciding to Work with a Business Coach Questionnaire
- Top 10 Reasons for Entering a Coaching Relationship
- Articles by Donla Twomey
- Other Articles and Surveys
- Recommended Books
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3. Articles by Donla Twomey
"Adding Empathy to the Bottom Line"
Accountancy Ireland, February 2004.
As organisations continue to evolve and change, it is increasingly recognized that accountants in industry need to be able to adapt and to learn new skills.
Client Quotes
" Since working with STEP, I have become more aware of my own needs, becoming more assertive, and I now have a much better feeling of self worth."
4. Other Articles and Surveys
Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey, 2011
The Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey offers insight into leadership development, based on information from coaches and those who hire them.
The Top 10 Ten Reasons You Should Focus on Your Strengths
Taken from "Now, Discover Your Strengths," by Buckingham and Clifton.
Caring CEOs of The Future, 2010
The new business world is becoming so fast and complex, the job description of a leader has had to change..
CIPD Taking the Temperature of Coaching, 2009
To ‘take the temperature of coaching’ we conducted an online survey of members in both LTD and those responsible for the delivery of coaching within HR. Given the CIPD’s membership in this area, this constitutes a sizeable number of practitioners involved in the purchasing, development and delivery of coaching within the UK.
ICF Global Coaching Survey, 2009
The ICF Global Coaching Client Study was designed to gather information from and about coaching clients. It
is important to note that the definition of what a “client” is varies depending on a coach’s area of focus.
CIPD Coaching and Buying Coaching Services, 2004
One of the most comprehensive coaching surveys and studies around, including comparative studies of different coaching organisations, outline of key requirements from HR’s viewpoint and how to select and recruit ‘best-fit’ coaches for your organisation.
MetrixGlobal Executive Briefing, 2001
Results of a study on the effectiveness of coaching, delivered by the Pyramid Resource Group, in a Fortune 500 company
Maximising the Impact of Executive Coaching, 2001
Results of Manchester Inc’s research into executive coaching, based on 100 clients from Fortune 1000 companies
Recommended Books:
Emotional Capitalists. The New Leaders by Martyn Newman
Jossey-Bass ISBN 978-0-470-69421-3
Available on Amazon
Difficult times call for real leaders to stand up and be counted. Newman explains that extraordinary leaders not only give their attention to developing the traditional assets of their organisation but also focus on the emotional capital that rests within themselves and their workforce. By developing the emotional energy, enthusiasm and commitment of all within their organisation, they are better equipped to succeed in both good times and bad.
This book comes complete with an online assessment of your Emotional Capital and provides strategies for improvement.
High Flyers, Developing the Next Generation of Leaders by Morgan W. McCall, Jr
Harvard Business School Press. ISBN 0-87584-336-0
Available on Amazon
This book challenges conventional wisdom about how to groom executives for the top positions. McCall explains how senior managers can create an environment that supports the development of talent and link the company’s business strategy with the kinds of experiences people need if they are to lead a company in fulfilling its mission.
The Paradox of Success, When Winning at Work Means Losing at Life by John R. O’Neill
Tarcher Penquin, ISBN 0-87477-772-0
Available on Amazon
Leaders in all fields suffer from the paradox of success, however many are learning to step back and rebalance their lives. This book teaches readers how to sustain personal development over the long haul, through self-observation, deep learning and regenerative retreats. It helps readers renew their lives and reinvigorate their organisations in the process.
The Tools of Leadership by Max Landsberg
Profile Books ISBN 978-1-86197-660-4
Available on Amazon
Leadership can be learned, and this book provides practical techniques to help you lead your team. The book offers advice that covers 1. Vision, Inspiration and Momentum, 2.Culture, Trust and Charisma and 3. Power, Influence and Timing. An easy to read, practical and insightful read.
Personal Effectiveness
Linchpin, Are You Indispensable? By Seth Godin
Piatkus ISBN 978-0-7499-5335-5
Available on Amazon
In this book, the author shows that there is now a very important new team in the workplace: the linchpins. These people invent, lead, connect others, make things happen, and create order out of chaos. They figure out what to do when there is no rule book. They are now the essential building blocks of great organisations and, in today's world, they get the best jobs and the most freedom. An inspiring read.
Inner Game of Work by Tim Gallwey.
Texere Publishing. ISBN 1587990474
Available on Amazon
Ever since The Inner Game of Tennis, people and organisations have benefited from Gallwey's Self One/Self Two analysis. This latest book applies this liberating analogy to work, inspiring all of us to relax and trust our true self.
A Whole New Mind, Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. By Daniel H. Pink
Marshall Cavendish Business ISBN 13 978-1-905736-54-6
Available on Amazon
Gone is the age of 'left-brain' dominance. The future belongs to a different type of person with a different kind of mind: designers, inventors, teachers, storytellers - creative and emphatic 'right-brain' thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't. This book takes the reader to a daring new place, and offers a provocative and urgent new way of thinking about a future that has already arrived.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.
Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-85839-8
Available on Amazon
A classic work on living life from the principles of fairness, integrity, honesty and dignity. Explores Private Victory (be proactive, begin with the end in mind, the Four Quadrants of time management), Public Victory (think win/win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergy) and Renewal (sharpen the saw).
Get Everything Done and Still Have Time to Play by Mark Forster
Hodder & Stroughton, ISBN 0340746203
Available on Amazon
Forster explores a range of "attention focusing" techniques - looking beyond the immediate tasks, learning to say "no", sorting out the significant from the trivial, and costing everything you do against a notional hourly rate of pay so that you can evaluate every activity against its "cost". He looks at how to identify resistance (the "R factor") in yourself and deal with it and notes the importance of "depth" activities such as yoga, meditation or journal writing to create calm.
Self Motivation, Simple Steps to Develop Self-Reliance and Perserverance by Gael Lindenfield
Harper Collins ISBN 0 7225 4021 3
Available on Amazon
We live in a challenging and competitive world. In order to gain that extra edge we need to motivate ourselves to accept challenges, achieve our potential and go for gold. Self-motivation does not come easily to many people, and it is often easier to put things off, choose the easy option or indulge in self-doubt. Here you will discover how to revel in success without fear of failure, think like a visionary without idle dreaming and thirst for challenge without scorning easy options.
Organisational Challenges
Time to Think by Nancy Kline.
Cassell Illustrated; ISBN: 0706377451
Available on Amazon
The power of effective listening is recognised as the essential tool of good management. This book seeks to illustrate how hostility and entrenched views can be removed and innovative ideas put into practice.
Coaching, Evoking Excellence in Others by James Flaherty.
Butterworth Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-9903-5
Available on Amazon
In this book, the author convincingly shows that the only way to truly help people grow is to help them in developing new practices and new language, and that the only way to coach effectively is to enter into a reciprocal relationship where 'coach' and 'coachee' engage in a dance of mutual influence and growth.
Coaching For Performance by John Whitmore.
Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1-85788-170-2
Available on Amazon
Adopted by many of the world's major corporations, this work suggests coaching as the essential team leadership skill. It argues the case for using questions, rather than instructions and commands and outlines the GROW model of coaching - Goals, Reality, Options, Will - to generate prompt action and peak performance.
Getting to Yes. Negotiating an agreement without giving in. By Roger Fisher & William Ury
Random House Business Books: ISBN 0 09 924842 5
Available on Amazon
This book has helped millions of people turn adversarial haggling into constructive joint problem-solving. Everyone wants to participate in decisions that affect them and people reach most decisions through negotiation. This book provides powerful and easily remembered principles which will guide you to successful negotiation no matter what the other side does.
Career Planning
Build Your Own Rainbow by Hopson Barrie & Mike Scally.
Management Books 2000. ISBN 185252300X
Available on Amazon
A workbook to help readers plan their personal and career objectives. It includes detailed exercises to analyse readers' current work values and transferable skills, and provides an extensive listing of matching jobs and occupations. Adopted by the Open University for their Work Options course.
What Colour is your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles.
Ten speed Press. ISBN 089815880X
Available on Amazon
Annually updated and revised over thirty years, Parachute advises people that the best way to find a job or make a career change isn't to answer a job ad or send in a CV. Instead he advocates 1) identifying your many talents. 2) working out where you would like to apply these transferable skills. 3) deciding how to pursue organisations which interest you. "Successful job hunting is a learned skill. You have to study it. You have to practice it. You have to master it". Attractive layout includes coloured fonts, lots of easy-to-read grids, charts and Internet sites.
Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
Simon & Schuster, ISBN 13: 978-1-4165-0265-4
Available on Amazon
Most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths. Instead we become experts at our weaknesses and tend to focus on correcting these. This book outlines thirty-four dominant themes that, when combined, can provide an insight into the readers core abilities and how they can be translated into personal and career success. The book provides access to the internet-based Strengthsfinder Profile, by providing a unique access code inside the book.